f6d3264842 8 Dec 2017 ... Many of us have bits and pieces of old ammo hanging round that needs getting rid of but the difficulty is where to take it or what to do with it.. 10 Mar 2016 ... Learn what to do when you need to dispose of ammunition.... Old December 31, 2010, 01:03 PM. TXAZ. Senior Member ... A neighbor wants to dispose of 2 boxes of .308 ammo for a weapon her late ... I took the bad ammo over to the state patrol and the bomb squad guy would get rid of it in their monthly .... 25 Apr 2017 ... Many people (firearm holders in this case) realize that they are piling up old or corroded ammunition, which they won't want to risk shooting.. Call your local (non emergency) line (311?) and tell them you have some old hunting ammunition that needs proper disposal, they will guide .... 16 Jan 2018 ... Whether it's old, corroding ammunition, or rounds that wouldn't fire at the ... The bullet is typically made of lead but could be another type of metal or ... that don't fire when the trigger is pulled) and dispose of them properly.. Hi fellow gunfolk! I've noticed after cleaning and reorganizing the ol' ammo cans that I have a growing amount of old/unusable ammo. Corroded .... 2 Oct 2014 ... The best ways to safely get rid of bad ammo or old rounds that may not be safe to fire - Chris gives some tips at the Lucky Gunner Lounge.. Guns and Ammo Disposal Services will remove and dispose of old firearms and ammunition that are difficult for you to get rid of. In some cases, we will even .... 29 Aug 2006 ... I don't care to put them through my guns; so how do I get rid of them? ... Where I live, the police will take old ammo and destroy it safely.. Use My Schedule to get a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services. You can add your schedule to Google, iCal or Outlook, or you .... Do not put live ammunition, bullets, fireworks or other explosives in the trash. ... The following law enforcement agencies accept live ammunition/explosives from .... 19 Jan 2019 ... Sealed boxes of ammunition more than 50 years old have been fired with no issues. If sealed hermetically, the shelf-life of ammunition is .... 22 May 2018 ... So...you've found some old ammunition lying around. What do you do with it? ... know if its still good. If so, there's no need to actually get rid of it.. The easiest way to dispose of this material — and I'm not making this up — is to ... I have .22 ammo sitting around that is close to 40 years old.. If you have unwanted section 1 ammunition then there are various ways of disposing of it: surrender at your local police station; through a registered firearms .... Here are some tips on safely getting rid of those bad bullets. We all have had those bullets that are too old to work, or we found laying on the ground out in the .... Since I'm planning on selling off all my firearms, I will be left with a fair amount of ammunition in various calibers. This ammo is 20+ years old.. AmmoFilter: My wife found a box of old remington .38 ammunition while going through some boxes. They are at least 25 years old, given to her .... 9 Aug 2017 ... I discovered old ammo while clearing out my parents home and am not sure how to dispose of them. I have a couple of handfuls of shotgun ...
How To Get Rid Of Old Ammo
Updated: Mar 25, 2020